Minnesota E-Democracy

Election '96

Campaign Finance Data - Search Help

Minnesota E-Democracy is proud to present this searchable database of Federal Election Commission data. If you have any questions about searching the database that are not answered here, please contact e-democracy@freenet.msp.mn.us.

Available search fields are:

Search on who got the money (e.g. Barkley)

Search by the specific campaign (house, senate, president, state, and district)

The committee that contributed the money (e.g. Education in name and Labor is SIG will give you the labor Political Action Committees with "Education" in their name--warning, there are a lot of them)
* Because of the way the data is set up, the Special Interest Group field
does not work if anything is in the candidate field.

The people who contributed. ("Occupation" is usually the business name.)

Setting up your Search

All logic commands are "and."
For example, if you choose the options House, MN and 7 on the "Campaign" portion of the search form, you will get back the data for the Minnesota Seventh Congressional District.
If you choose House, Any and 7 you will get data for all the Seventh Congressional Districts in the U.S.

Text fields work as a string search.
For example, if you entered MEA on the "Committees" portion of the search form, you will get a list of all the meat producer PACs, not the Minnesota Education Association.
If you leave a text field blank, it will be ignored.

Set field options (pull down menus- available options)

(Pull-down menus on this page are for demonstration only.)

Go to the Search Form.

Examples & Searching Tips

This database contains information on constributions fitting any of the following criteria:
All contributions over $200 to Minnesota candidates for:
U.S. House
U.S. Senate
(money could have come from anywhere)
* For example, with two searches you could find out how much money Senator Wellstone and former Senator Boschwitz have received from, say, California.

All contributions over $200 from anyone or any campaign with a Minnesota address to any candidate in any state for:
U.S. House
U.S. Senate
* For example, you can find out who in Minnesota gave money to Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, or who in Minnesota gave money to Senator Kennedy in Massachusetts.

All $200+ contributions to and from Minnesota Political Action Committees
Please note that transfers between committees are supposed to be reported by both committees and so may appear to be duplicated.

The more criteria you select, the more usable your results will be.
Because of the way the data is set up, the Special Interest Group field does not work if anything is in the candidate field.
* For example, to find out how many contributions Dean Barkley has received from labor groups (the SIG blank), you should choose the "labor" option in the SIG field, and "Senate" and "Minnesota" in the Campaign field on the search form.

Go to the Introduction | Go to the Search Form

Thanks to the following people for their help with this project:

Send comments to: e-democracy@freenet.msp.mn.us

[Back to Minnesota Town Hall 1996]
Updated October 18, 1996