Minnesota E-Democracy 

Frank Germann      Response 11

Question 11: What are the top challenges facing your campaign in the coming weeks?

The top challenge is getting everyone to know about Frank Germann and
more particularly, the Libertarian Party, and doing this without any
money, while being shut out of major party governor candidate debates.

It is a challenge to convince people that they would be better off in
a free-market society rather than the socialist/authoritarian planned
society we are quickly becoming. It is a challenge to transmit the
message of: "If you do what you've always done, you'll always get what
you have always gotten." The harder we work and save, the more
government takes in taxes and regulation compliance. The only
difference between the two old parties is that they disagree on how to
spend our money.

Minnesota E-Democracy  
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406  