Minnesota E-Democracy 

Frank Germann      Response 7

Question 7: Is Northwest too dominant at Minneapolis/St. Paul International, and what is the role, if any, for the governor in the current situation with the airline?

I never understood why the politicians and bureaucrats approved
the merger between North Central Airlines and Northwest Airlines.
This is a classic example of an unintended consequence of
government control. The parties that are supposedly being
regulated take control of the process. Northwest is so dominant
that they might as well own the airport. I would use my
influence as governor, and my previous experience with the FAA,
to make sure that Northwest gave up more gates at the airport so
that other airlines could use them. Perhaps the airport should
consider a system whereby all gates are open to all airlines.

Frank Germann
Libertarian candidate for governor of Minnesota

Minnesota E-Democracy  
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406  