Minnesota E-Democracy 

Jesse Ventura      Response 8

Question 8: One of the most important tasks for our governor will be putting together an effective management team to govern Minnesota. Name one person you think would make a great state commissioner, and what agency do you think they would best lead? Why?

Now is not the proper time to publicly name state commissioners or
prospective commissioners. While any one person may be great, each
commissioner wall work as part of a team in the Ventura
administration. As Governor, I'll be drawing administration team
members from DFL, GOP, Reform, minor party, and independent ranks. I
won't be looking for partisan stars, I'll be looking for well
qualified people who are team players and have the demonstrated
ability to put Minnesota's interests ahead of their own political
careers and ahead of their party's interests.

Minnesota E-Democracy  
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406  